October 8, 2022 |
Slides from Bill Bahr's "Soldering" clinic |
Slides from Ron Poidomani's "Building Craftsman Kits" clinic |
March 12, 2022 |
Slides from Tony Siano's PanPaste Weathering clinic |
February 15, 2020 |
Slides from Scott Russell's "LED's and Bulbs - Their Care and Feeding" |
March 18, 2017 |
Slides from Ron Poidomani's "Modeling The New Haven Division" clinic are not available. |
Slides from Kaylee Zheng's "Using mobile (cellphone) loudspeakers for DCC sound" clinic are |
not available. |
Slides from Don Mitchell's "Achievement Program - Golden Spike Award" clinic are not available. |
January 14, 2017 |
Slides from Rick Abramson's "The FL9 from Santa Fe to New Haven clinic |
Slides from Jeff Hanke's "Planning process for the HO Chessie System: East End Layout" are not |
available |
November 12, 2016 |
Slides from James Mayo's "Developing an Operating Scheme for the Shreveport & Central
Mississippi" are not available |
Slides from Robert Seckler's "Art of Elevation" |
October 1, 2016 |
Slides from Ron Poidomani's "Taking Your Structure Model to the Next Level" are not available. |
Slides from Rick Abramson's "New Haven RR Electric Engines and the Catenary that Powered Them" are not available. |
May 21, 2016 |
No slide from Chris Adams' "Modeling the Valley Line" are available |
Slides from Scott Russell's "Prototype Signaling with CTI Electronics clinic  |
March 12, 2016 |
"Home Layouts" with Carl Liba was a photgrapic slide show, so nothing is available for the web site |
Slides from Ron Poidomani's "Scratchbuilding 101" are not available. |
January 16, 2016 |
Slides on Bill Schneider's Rapido FL-9's and 8600 Coaches are proprietary and won't be posted. |
Slides from Robert Seckler's "Inner workings of the Modeler's Expo" clinic  |
Slides from Don MItchell's "Benchwork & Roadbed
" clinic |
November 14, 2015 |
Slides from Vin Gallogly's clinic on the "Double Pickle" (not available) |
Slides from Boyd Mistear's "Carving Rock Walls" clinic  |
Slides from Chuck Thomas' "Push Button Control For a Hidden Reverse Loop & Staging Area
September 12, 2015 |
Slides from Randy Hamill's clinic on "Modeling New Britain on the Highland Division"
Slides from John Grosner's & Bob Collett's clinic on "Decoder Installation for Beginners"  |
May 16, 2015 |
Slides from Pieter Roos clinic on "Why Willimantic" are not available due to copyright conerns |
Slides from Jeff Zelleny's "Speeder Adventures" clinic  |
March 14, 2015 |
Slides from Dan Ticson's "Battery Power and Radio Control for Trains" clinic (not available yet) |
Slides from Michael Coviello's "Modeling in N-Scale" clinic  |
January 17, 2015 |
Slides from Boyd Misstear's "Mind the Gap" clinic  |
Slides from Jeff Ward's Control Panel Clinic (not available) |
September 20, 2014 |
Slides from Internet Buying and Sellng clinic by Jeff Zeleny  |
Slides from Masonry Finishing clinic by John Grosner  |
May 17, 2014 |
Link to Dave Ramos clinic on his website, along with other good information  |
Slides from Trucks, Cars and Roads clinic by John Shannon  |
Slides from Layout Touring clinic by Roger Cytron and Scott Russell,. Separate sections for 2013 Tour and 2014 Tour  |
March 15, 2014 |
Slides from Ballasting Clinic by Joel Mandell (Click on note icon in upper left for the text) |
Slides from Poly Fiber Trees by John Grosner  |
The presentation by Bill Schneider on Rapido is proprietary and will not be posted |
January 11, 2014 |
Slides from 3D Printing clinic by David Yale  |
Slides from Train Detection and Simple Signaling clinic by Scott Russell  |
Slides from Lift-Out and Backdrop Construction clinic by Chuck Thomas  |
May 18, 2013 |
Slides from Tool clinic by Ron Poidomani  |
Slides from Rocks of Ages clinic by Doug Foscale  |
March 16, 2013 |
Handout from New Haven Steam Locomotive clinic by Chris Adams & Randy Hammill  |
January 12, 2013 |
Slides for Mole HIlls to Mountains clinic Part 1, by Jeff Zeleny  |
Slides for Mole Hills to Mountains clinic Part 2, by John Grosner  |
Handout from Mole HIlls to Mountains clinic |
Slides for Poor Man's GrassMaster© clinic by Roger Cytron  |
December 1, 2012 |
Slides for Housatonic RR Evolution clinic, by Craig Bisgeier  |
Slides for Trackside Details clinic, by Scott Russell  |
October 27, 2012 |
Slides for Powering Turnouts Clinic, Part 1, by Bob Collett  |
Slides for Powering Turnouts Clinic, Part 2, by Bob Cochrane  |
September 15, 2012 |
Slides for Turnout Clinic by John Grosner: Opening Summary, Handlaid, DC to DCC conversion |
Slides for Electrical Basics Clinic by Scott Russell  |
May 12, 2012 |
Slides for Melding Backdrops clinic by John Stamatov  |
Slides for Tips, Tricks & Tecniques Craftsman kits clinic by Robert Seckler  |
Photos from After Meeting Hands On Craftsman Kit Clinic |
November 19, 2011 |
Slides for Brick Painting clinic by Rich Branch  |
October 29, 2011 |
Slides for Layout Maintanence clinic by Bob Collett  |
September 17, 2011 |
Slides for Layout Design Clinic by Chuck Thomas  |
May 21, 2011 |
Video of Brian Hutchinsons's New York, New Haven & Hartford RR Layout |
Copy of Brian Hutchinson's handout  |
Slides for Operations 101 (Bob Collet/John Grosner)  |
Video for Operations 101 (Bob Collet/John Grosner) |
March 19, 2011 |
Slides for Weathering clinic given by Scott Russell  |
Slides for Operations 100 Clinic by Al Oneto  |
January 15, 2011 |
Slides, Part 1 and Part 2 for DCC Sound Clinic portion given by Scott Russell  |
Links for DecoderPro and Five Chime Consultants referenced in clinic |
Link to Soundtraxx on-line manuals |
Article on proper use of whistle/horn signals is in the December 2010 MR |
Slides for Bob Collet's portion of the DCC Sound Clinic  |
November 20, 2010 |
Slides for Conifer Tree clinic given by John Grosner  |
Slides for Decal clinic given by Jeff Hanke  |
October 30, 2010 |
Slides for Modeling Water 101 clinic given by Robert Seckler  |
Slides for DCC Capabilities clinic given by Bob Collett  |
October 2, 2010 |
Slides for DCC Wiring clinic given by Vin Gallogly |
Photos from operating session at Dick Wolter's after the meeting |