www.nmra.org - National Model Railroad Association
www.nernmra.org - Northeast Region, NMRA
www.nhrhta.org - New Haven Railroad Historical and Technical Association
nycshs.org - New York Central System Historical Society
www.prrths.com - The Pennsylvania Railroad Technical & Historical Society
thecrhs.org - The Conrail Historical Society
nerpm.org - New England/Northeast Railroad Prototype Modelers Meet
www.dccsig.org - The DCC Special Interest Group
www.ldsig.org - Layout Design Special Interest Group
www.opsig.org - Operations Special Interest Group
www.wiringfordcc.com - A wealth of information about wiring a layout, turnouts, etc. for DCC
www.topviewnyc.com/packages/brief-history-of-new-york-city-transportation - The title says it all. Many interesting links within the page.
www.railroadhobbyshow.com - Amherst Railway Society Hobby Show
If you have an idea for a link that would be useful to the Metro-North Division members, please email the